[ExI] Slavery in the Future
ablainey at aol.com
ablainey at aol.com
Mon Apr 21 01:24:08 UTC 2008
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Miller aiguy at comcast.net
>My Response:
>Think about robotic caregivers. Robo-nannies, Robo-eldercare, Emergency
>services like 911, poison control hotline, where human emotions must be
>understood and taken into account to get people to calm down and accept the
>help that they need.
In most of these instances, I don't think actual emotion is needed in the make up of an AI.
Clearly recognition of emotion is.
>Robo-sex surrogates for those too busy, too homely, or too socially inept to
>succeed at the human courtship dance.
>Providing for not only the physical needs but helping to develop
>self-confidence, empathy and social skills necessary to succeed in a real
>Robo-Career mentors, Robo-personal trainers perhaps built into the gym
>equipment itself, tracking your progress and encouraging you to give it all
>you got. With different personality settings to prevent them from becoming
>And just because we program emotions doesn't mean we have to program the
>negative ones like aggression, hatred, jealousy, greed, lust for power.
>People just assume that once we program emotions into an AI that they're
>going to get all our negative ones also.
>That's an incorrect assumption. Our negative emotions evolved to help us
>survive under primitive hostile conditions. This is not the same
>environment and I see no reason to burden our creations with the worst of
>our biological heritage.
All of the above could be well handled by an AI that can give the correct emotional
display, much like the 'Have a nice Day' smiley people at Disney. Actual emotions
need not be felt. Just clever correct responses to them. Not much different to the
way some people work anyway?
Likewise, I see little real merit in creating emotional machines unless the function
demands it.
>But I am sure the military or some rogue dictator will do so. I just hope
>they don't model it after my ex-wife!
I heard that.
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