[ExI] flds raid, was general repudiation...
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at comcast.net
Sun Apr 27 16:28:51 UTC 2008
BillK wrote:
> Good work I say! Texas does the job where Utah is afraid to act
> against FLDS because there are too many of them.
> BillK
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I always have to chuckle how everyone has this miss perception that FLDS
(Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Mormons or
any other non LDS Mormons, are in some sympathetic way related to LDS
Mormons. (Gee, how can anyone make such a mistaken association? ;)
When in fact, there is no loss of hate and intolerance between any of
the many break away "sects" of Mormonism. My favorite polygamist break
away group is not the FLDS, but the TLC LDS (True and Living Church of
Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days.) President Harmstrom, the
leader of this group claims to have had Joseph Smith appear to him in a
vision, in which the now Angel Joseph Smith taught him that the
leadership of the LDS church had fallen, and that he was to "restore"
the one true church of Jesus Christ again to the earth. (Remember, that
Joseph Smith claimed to have similar angels and visits from God, who
also informed him that the Pope and other Christian churches had fallen,
were the "whore of all the earth", and that he was to restore Christ's
one true church again to the earth.)
Anyone, that is not a member of THE Mormon church (or the LDS church) is
very much ostracized and abused in Utah. For example, a bunch of people
that have only done polygamy, and not abused children, have been
prosecuted, primarily by LDS church members that I believe hate them so
much for going against the LDS church leadership in any way. That is
why there are so many of these groups not actually in Utah, but in
border towns in Colorado, Arizona, and some necessarily, as far away as
Texas. I believe any of these groups would have been treated far worse
in all ways, were they in Utah.
Lately, there are constant pieces in Utah Newspapers and everywhere LDS
Mormons can proclaim such, trying to clear up this "miss perception"
that the FLDS members have anything to do with THE LDS church. I view
it kind of like, if you take a bunch of crazy people that think they are
Jesus, and throw them in a room together, they all hate each other. So
in an attempt to avoid this, they all move to neighboring rooms, um, I
mean States, Texas, and the like.
Brent Allsop
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