[ExI] Call for presentations at International Space Development Conference 2008

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Wed Apr 30 13:42:44 UTC 2008

Amara D. Angelica wrote:
> I'm chairing a session on May 29 at the National Space Society's 
> International Space Development Conference 2008 
> (http://www.isdc2008.org/) in Washington DC on using the resources of 
> the solar system to benefit humanity over the next few hundred years 
> or more (such as backing up civilization in space settlements or by 
> storage of data and DNA on the Moon). The NSS is particularly 
> interested in innovative transhumanist ideas, such as ways humans can 
> be augmented to survive and better function in space or uploading into 
> a space-compatible intelligent substrate. Participants in the session 
> so far are Robin Hanson and Jerry Glenn. I welcome all suggestions.
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This looks like an excellent opportunity for spike to present the 
Midgets to Mars campaign..... I mean, "The benefits of utilizing human 
beings of considerably small stature to reduce space exploration and 
colonization costs and increase efficiency without the need for 
expensive and experimental augmentation."
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