[ExI] Fwd: In defense of cognition-enhancing drugs
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Thu Dec 11 18:24:43 UTC 2008
Begin forwarded message:
> From: samantha <sjatkins at gmail.com>
> Date: December 10, 2008 5:14:12 PM PST
> To: sjatkins at mac.com
> Subject: In defense of cognition-enhancing drugs
> Sent to you by samantha via Google Reader:
> In defense of cognition-enhancing drugs
> via Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow on 12/9/08
> A commentary in this week's issue of the journal Nature argues that
> cognitive performance-enhancing drugs should be made widely
> available, and sets out an ethical and legal framework for doing so
> in a way that maximises the social good of being able to choose what
> state of mind you're in. Contributors to the article include a
> Stanford law prof, a Cambridge research psychiatrist, a Harvard med-
> school prof, and other distinguished personages.
> Human ingenuity has given us means of enhancing our brains through
> inventions such as written language, printing and the Internet. Most
> authors of this Commentary are teachers and strive to enhance the
> minds of their students, both by adding substantive information and
> by showing them new and better ways to process that information. And
> we are all aware of the abilities to enhance our brains with
> adequate exercise, nutrition and sleep. The drugs just reviewed,
> along with newer technologies such as brain stimulation and
> prosthetic brain chips, should be viewed in the same general
> category as education, good health habits, and information
> technology — ways that our uniquely innovative species tries to
> improve itself.
> Of course, no two enhancements are equivalent in every way, and some
> of the differences have moral relevance. For example, the benefits
> of education require some effort at self-improvement whereas the
> benefits of sleep do not. Enhancing by nutrition involves changing
> what we ingest and is therefore invasive in a way that reading is
> not. The opportunity to benefit from Internet access is less
> equitably distributed than the opportunity to benefit from exercise.
> Cognitive-enhancing drugs require relatively little effort, are
> invasive and for the time being are not equitably distributed, but
> none of these provides reasonable grounds for prohibition. Drugs may
> seem distinctive among enhancements in that they bring about their
> effects by altering brain function, but in reality so does any
> intervention that enhances cognition. Recent research has identified
> beneficial neural changes engendered by exercise10, nutrition11 and
> sleep12, as well as instruction13 and reading14. In short, cognitive-
> enhancing drugs seem morally equivalent to other, more familiar,
> enhancements.
> Many people have doubts about the moral status of enhancement drugs
> for reasons ranging from the pragmatic to the philosophical,
> including concerns about short-circuiting personal agency and
> undermining the value of human effort15. Kass16, for example, has
> written of the subtle but, in his view, important differences
> between human enhancement through biotechnology and through more
> traditional means. Such arguments have been persuasively rejected
> (for example, ref. 17). Three arguments against the use of cognitive
> enhancement by the healthy quickly bubble to the surface in most
> discussions: that it is cheating, that it is unnatural and that it
> amounts to drug abuse.
> Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy
> (Thanks, Guido!)
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