[ExI] Impressive book: Farewell to Alms

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Sun Feb 3 21:59:51 UTC 2008

>>  Lee, I stand in awe of how hard the Mexicans work.
>Now this is important because it applies to an important example
>adduced by Clark. There *has* to be both a genetic and cultural
>component to the alacrity with which the people (forced by the
>enclosure acts) took to factory work in England.

You make it sound like past tense, Lee. I worked my day job as an
Italian government employee (research scientist), and went to my
evening/night job teaching astronomy at a private university in Rome,
easily working 70 hours per week for a couple of years. I paid more
Italian taxes than my Italian colleagues (after taxes, my research salary
was 10 euros/hour, my teaching salary was 4 euros/hour) and I was an
illegal immigrant (4+ years). The Italian government currently is
holding 14,000 euros of my pension money (taken by force from my
salary every month for five years) that I might never see again.



Amara Graps, PhD      www.amara.com
Research Scientist, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), Boulder, Colorado

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