[ExI] the formerly rich and their larvae

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Feb 15 03:20:33 UTC 2008

	 On Behalf Of ablainey at aol.com

	Subject: Re: [ExI] the formerly rich and their larvae
	...I object to the subject line of this thread. 'larvae' seems a bit
derogatory to me. Especially on a list such as this...	Alex

Alex I started that title, but I should point out that I am a big fan of
insects.  Bugs are really cool.  Check out all the interesting things they
do.  Their diversity is far greater than that found in mammals.  If you look
at mammals, our body designs, they are all pretty much the same thing
really, and we do very similar things.  We are shaped and proportioned a
little differently, but from the bug's point of view, we mammals are
probably difficult to tell apart.  But bugs are wildly different from each
other, and make their livings in so many completely different ways.  It is
as if the centimeter scale existence is many worlds all on the same planet.
Being a larva is not derogatory, but rather a thing of which to be proud.



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