[ExI] Many Worlds (was: A Simulation Argument)

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Fri Jan 11 17:14:06 UTC 2008

"Damien Broderick" <thespike at satx.rr.com>

> How can you instantaneously split into two or more versions an
> *entire universe* with a radius of tens of billions of light years?
> How could the news propagate everywhere so quickly?

We've known for 70 years that you can instantly change something
10 billion light years away, but you can't use that fact to send 
information, you can't use it to send news. The universe (and me too)
may be splitting a trillion times a second but that news hasn't 
reached me, if it had I could prove many worlds to be true. I can't.

 John K Clark


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