[ExI] Many Worlds (was: A Simulation Argument)

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Wed Jan 16 03:42:18 UTC 2008

John Clark writes

> Me
>>> A billion years before I  was born somebody in the Virgo Cluster
>>> started making pairs of photons that have identical but
>>> unknown polarization....
> Unknown to anyone and perhaps unknown to anything. It might be that
> asking what polarization angle the photons were set at before they were
> measured is a foolish and meaningless question,

Yes, it is.

> or it might not be. I don't know.

I believe that proposing that the photon already has a hidden attitude
is refuted by Bell's inequality. In other words, to already have a
value would cause it to fall into the class of "hidden variable".


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