[ExI] tom brady

frank McElligott frankmac at ripco.com
Sat Jan 19 23:09:09 UTC 2008

As my yearly post time come about, I wonder what has happened to last year, 
and thank all of you for the dialog which has brighten my morning coffee 
since the last super bowl.

I have read the "black Swan", and it tells me that the past is the past, and 
the future well who knows. So here I go again asking the same question as 
last year.

Last year Tom Brady had not lost a playoff game in
the Pat Super Bowl runs. He is 9 and 0.

>From a Stat view of the world Tom Brady can not
lose, if I am a betting man, but me thinks that he
crosses  from a 9 to 1  as a FIRST digit and we know that is very very 
dangerous. With this in mind,
I expect the Black Swan to appear in New England this weekend, and I am 
betting that way:) 

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