[ExI] Transgender man gives birth to a baby girl

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Jul 4 06:17:01 UTC 2008

...On Behalf Of Amara Graps
> "US 'pregnant man' has baby girl"
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7488894.stm
> There we have it. Thomas Beatie has given birth to a baby girl. :-)
> Amara

Cool!  Good for him, and the, ummm, mother?  Other?

This is a good day for childbirth.  Check this:


This mother claims to be 70.  I don't know, but Fox News and CNN both bought

The CNN article mentioned that the parents already had two daughters and
several grandchildren, but wanted a male heir so badly that they sold
everything and borrowed on a credit card to pay for the fertility
treatments.  If this is so, and the mother is 70 and the father is 78, now
deeply in debt, I wonder what they thought this heir would inherit?

Humans are a funny species.


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