[ExI] Upon pondering your freedoms

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jul 5 14:55:33 UTC 2008


>...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> I wonder if you could clarify one small point, Spike, for the 
> sake of a visiting outlander. What was meant by that 
> strangely anomalous opening passage "A well regulated 
> militia, being necessary to the security of a free state"? ...
> Damien Broderick

That's the bad news Damien.  That comment means we can be drafted.  Anyone
who owns weapons or has the right to own weapons is automatically part of
the militia that is necessary to the security.  Most everyone here would
agree that Americans are already well regulated, extremely regulated.
Regulated to the edge of insanity we are.  Every freedom has its price.  The
possibility of receiving a draft notice is ours.


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