[ExI] The Dogs of Immortality

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 9 20:59:53 UTC 2008

--- James Clement <clementlawyer at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Mike asked: Can someone explain to me how that costs me $3.6 billion?  
> As a former practicing tax attorney (in a prior lifetime), I met with many
> officials at the higher levels of the Internal Revenue Service over the
> years.  Their attitude is that 100% of all money "belongs" to the government
> and it's only through their generosity that you or I are allowed to "keep"
> any of it...  I'm not exaggerating, I've had many, many conversations about
> this and have been shocked at their attitude.

Well that's a really crappy atitude to have in an age of fiat currency. Is
there a law that prevents me and whosoever else desires from personally
requiring all payment in euros, McDonald's gift certificates, sand dollars, or
simple barter?


Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu

"In ancient times they had no statistics so that they had to fall back on lies."- Stephen Leacock


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