[ExI] QT and SR (was Re: Probability is "subjectively objective".)
Jef Allbright
jef at jefallbright.net
Wed Jul 16 15:27:09 UTC 2008
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:07 AM, scerir <scerir at libero.it> wrote:
> Actually the nonseparability (between entangled states),
> whose nature is *algebraic*, entails nonlocality, whose
> nature is *geometric*. It appears to be a sort of abstract
> code, pre-geometric, a-geometric, out of space-time.
Your statement about algebraic contra geometric "nature" is
intriguing. After a bit of googling it's still not clear to me what
you mean in any deep sense, and to speak of "nature" implies a very
deep sense. Maybe this stands out for me because I personally have
always visualized algebraic operations in terms of geometry -- indeed
conceiving and visualizing nearly everything, including graphs, sets
and categories in terms of geometric relations.
Thinking further, this may be yet another example of the
subjective/objective, epistemic/ontic confusion which pervades much of
this discussion. Does it really make sense to speak of algebraic
contra geometric "nature" rather than algebraic contra geometric
representations or operations? Am I perhaps missing something
fundamental here?
As for the question of the spaceships and the strings, what could
possibly distinguish a system of spaceships connected by string from a
system of spaceship components? In other words, if the strings must
break, then mustn't also the connections between components of the
- Jef
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