[ExI] Transhumanist MMORPGers
Sondre Bjellås
sondre-list at bjellas.com
Sat Jun 14 16:31:14 UTC 2008
I used to be a beta-tester for EVE, but I can't find the time to play enough
to make it worth the time ...
Now, I only play Age of Conan on the PC and my wife plays World of Warcraft
:-) When AoC comes to Xbox 360, then we'll get married within Age of Conan
as we did in World of Warcraft on our 1-year anniversary.
- Sondre
From: "Aleksei Riikonen" <aleksei at iki.fi>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:22 PM
To: <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: <wta-talk at transhumanism.org>
Subject: Re: [ExI] Transhumanist MMORPGers
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Giu1i0 Pri5c0 <pgptag at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The foundation of the Order of Cosmic Engineers was announced at The
>> Future of Religions/Religions of the Future conference in Second Life
>> on June 5, 2008. There will be a launch event in World of Warcraft
>> TODAY June 14, 2008, at noon EST, hosted by Bainbridge's WoW Science
>> Guild. The Prospectus of the Order of Cosmic Engineers,
>> collaboratively authored by the Order's founding members, and other
>> parts of the website, will be online tomorrow June 15, 2008.
>> See Bainbridge's convergentsystems wiki for information on the Order's
>> launch at the Silvermoon Meeting, Saturday, June 14 noon server time.
>> Please see the Earthen Ring US page for information on how to set up
>> your WoW character to attend the event. In summary: you must choose
>> the the North American server, Earthen Ring US, and your character
>> must belong to the Horde. Europeans see here.
>> See http://cosmeng.org/
>> We hope to see transhumanist WoWers today!
> I'd like to recommend that if people are gonna play MMORPGs, they try
> out EVE Online instead of playing something like WoW.
> EVE Online certainly has by far the most demanding learning curve
> among MMORPGs (I have never seen this disputed), and in a wholly
> positive way; it's not fucked up design or anything like that that
> makes it more challenging, just the depth and complexity of it all. No
> other current MMORPG has an equally complex virtual economy (could
> other MMORPG worlds non-hilariously employ a PhD economist putting out
> quarterly reports?), or an equally rich political landscape of
> competing player alliances, as the possibilities for PVP and the
> infrastructural elements for empire building in EVE are from a
> different plane of complexity than in typical MMORPGs.
> If you do not currently play MMORPGs, I do *not* recommend EVE, as
> computer games tend to be silly time sinks. But every intelligent
> person who does waste time with MMORPGs, should certainly look into
> it.
> Also, to you people building this Order you speak of; you might find
> ideological allies in this EVE Online "guild" (actually they are
> called corporations in EVE; it's a scifi world instead of fantasy):
> http://www.eve-viv.net/
> --
> Aleksei Riikonen - http://www.iki.fi/aleksei
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