[ExI] The Manifesto of Italian Transhumanists

Anna Taylor femmechakra at yahoo.ca
Sat Mar 1 05:07:51 UTC 2008

--- Bryan Bishop <kanzure at gmail.com> wrote:

>The unspoken portion here is probably "and they will
>want to stop us." Really? They haven't been stopping
>us yet, and we've been freezing people, doing
brain->computer interfaces, making rockets,
>in nanotech, stem cells, etc. No matter how much
>they want it to not be true that stem cells don't
>exist, they in fact do exist, for example.

My computer broke down the other day.  I was
petrified.  What to do without my computer? I went to
see the tech guy...I got a diagnostic..didn't tell me
much...but poof my computer started working again.  I
don't know why.  The point of the story is that
technology is the wave of the future and i'm sure that
many knowledgeable, intelligent, smart, and /or
creative people are paying attention, it doesn't take
a religion to confirm it and it doesn't take a an
Atheist to believe it.


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