[ExI] The Manifesto of Italian Transhumanists

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 21:21:37 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 8:19 PM, Lee Corbin <lcorbin at rawbw.com> wrote:
>  Talk about mixed currents!  It's as though the European coordinate system
>  has been rotated 45 degrees from the American one.
>  And, oh yes, the Nouvelle Droite throughout Europe does not hesitate
>  to call into question "market practices", evidently.  (Actually, I feel
>  apologizing for my ignorance, but I just wrote an email to someone
>  telling them never to do that!)

All in all, what you say is basically correct. On the other hand, the French
environment that is now known as the Nouvelle Droite has unfortunately
picked up along the way many themes and attitudes that belong to the worst
kind of neoluddite and technophobic New Left.

Therefore, they may well have emphatically avoided being neocons or
authoritarians or nazis, but at the same time have ended up being
unpleasantly close to Mr. Rifkin's or Mr. Næss's ideas. In fact, many
intellectuals who used to belong to that area and were closer, often ante
litteram, to transhumanist ideas, such as Yves Christen (Les années Faust,
ou, La science face au
or Charles Champetier (http://www.lesmutants.com), simply left quite soon
when the GRECE turned conservative and at the same time turned mostly its
back to science and technology along "gauchiste" refrains.

Stefano Vaj
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