[ExI] Neo-fascist transhumanists? WAS: Manifesto of Italian transhumanists

scerir scerir at libero.it
Mon Mar 3 19:09:19 UTC 2008

> That is hardly the only choice. And frankly, I'd rather be associated
> with Peter and the Wolf, or the three blind mice, or Huey, Dewey and
> Louie, than with Heidegger the Nazi or Baudrillard the glossolaliac.
> Damien Broderick

Our great poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, glossomaniac, daredevil,
fascist, maybe futurist, inventor of brands like 'il Parrozzo',
'il Senzanome', 'Aurum', and much much more, born 30 miles
from here (ahem), wrote a story about a fascist Übermensch.
As far as I remember, the peculiar character of his Übermenschism
wasn't just the anti-democracy, the force, the power, the war,
and so on, but the beauty and the sexual voluptousness ....
Is there enough room for a neo-decadentist transhumanism?

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