[ExI] How could you ever support an AGI?

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Sat Mar 8 09:20:11 UTC 2008

On Mar 5, 2008, at 12:04 AM, John K Clark wrote:

> John Grigg in response to giovanni santost wrote:
> > You are badly anthropomorphizing the AGI.
> For God's sake, we're back with that crap! Prove to me why
> anthropomorphizing is always a bad thing. Come on, I dare
> you to try, come on, mess with me!

Who would want to mess with an evolved monkey already literally  
slinging crap and no doubt getting ready to verbally beat his  
chest?  :-)   Seriously, it doesn't sound like good entertainment value.

> > It will most likely not have the same biological
> > drives/wiring that you and I have.
> If true then the AGI, that is to say, the American Geological
> Institute (or perhaps you mean Artificial Intelligence) will
> be even more unpredictable than I thought it was; and that
> was pretty God Damn unpredictable. The logic is irrefutable,
> the friendly AI idea is brain dead dumb.

Thanks for you highly priced and doubtless extremely insightful opinion.

- samantha

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