[ExI] "Thoughts Without a Thinker" re: Heroism without self-sacrifice

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 17:17:06 UTC 2008

On Saturday 08 March 2008, citta437 at aol.com wrote:
> Thoughts of heroism entails this curiosity to know the unknown
> without fear of failure or hope for success.

As much as I think your ideas are close to the mark, I don't think this 
would work out. Suppose we had brain interfacing technology and had a 
massive supercomputer the size of Jupiter decyphering the brain state 
of our hero, and found that he was, in fact, hoping for a brief 3 
seconds at one point in his so-called 'heroic' journey. Does that then 
mean that he is no longer a hero, for that briefest of thought? I would 
hope the answer is no. 

- Bryan
Bryan Bishop

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