[ExI] where is den otter?; was [injure thread: RE: Personal "backgrounds" and allegedrelevance]

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Mar 8 21:08:44 UTC 2008

... On Behalf Of John Grigg

	Subject: Re: [ExI] injure thread: RE: Personal "backgrounds" and
	Spike wrote:

		 Do not feel the need to
		explain it to me however.  On the contrary, feel free to let
this thread
		perish at this point...Each poster is judged only on the
posts that person 		puts here.  Accusations
		regarding anyone's political leanings outside this list are
not welcome nor

	>I'm personally confused as to Stefano's real personal history in
relation to Fascism...

Johnny, do post to Stefano offlist for this kind of information.  The
personal backgrounds thread is slain.  Too flamey.

	> Does anyone remember Den Otter?  hmmm... John Grigg      
Heck yes we remember den Otter.  Where did he go?  Anyone here know him?
John do you remember where he was from?  Denmark?


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