[ExI] Probability is in the mind.

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Fri Mar 14 16:04:28 UTC 2008

"One ultimate purpose of philosophy, and I argue the most important
>    one, is be prescriptive. Philosophy most vitally---for me and for 
>    others---should instruct us about what actions to take and what
>    decisions to make."

The problem of philosophy in general is it's subjective nature 
prescribing some treatment{ a thought/idea} to view objective 
reality/truth. What is truth? Asking that question is already a mistake.

>  and>
>    Ultimately, again, I want to know what actions I should take and
>    what I can expect the different outcomes to be like."

Probability connotes random chance. Scientific theories are put to test 
{an objective process}. How do you test if the mind is a behavior of 
the brain? This is when the observer is the observed.


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