[ExI] Feel Safer Now?

Gary Miller aiguy at comcast.net
Sun Mar 16 21:11:45 UTC 2008

Mike said in response to my earlier post:  

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Gary Miller <aiguy at comcast.net> wrote:
>  If I am in an airport and someone next to me had something that looks 
> like a  bomb strapped to the chest I would hope the police take the 
> head shot and  find out if the bomb was real afterward before the 
> person has a chance to  detonate it.

... if she drowns then she was not a witch, but if she doesn't drown then
you should burn her for being a witch.  You better be careful with that pack
of Rolaids after terrorist start using bombs that look like a pack of
Rolaids.  You know, because we'll sort out your heartburn issues after the
police "take the head shot."  At least the rest of us will be safe.

Come on Mike terrorists and bombs exist, witches don't.

People are shot all the time because the police can't be expected to
distinguish between a toy gun and a real one.

If I was to walk through an airport carrying a toy gun in my hand I'd be
tackled or shot before I ever made it to the gate and rightfully so.

And I'd like to think that if and when the airlines bans Rolaids as a
potentially dangerous item I will be intelligent enough to leave them at
home.  And if I try to smuggle them on the flight anyway just to get my name
in the paper or make a point then go ahead and "take that head shot". I'd
deserve it just for being so stupid.

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