[ExI] Spacetime exists as a thought

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sun Mar 16 21:33:34 UTC 2008

"> A physicist, Julian Barbour, wrote a book about time ["The End of
> Time"] which in reality only exists in the mind but since the 
> is a form of energy, is this thought of time a universal truth that 
> locally?

Lee: "I can't agree that his claim ought to be described like that. 
It's not
the case that he's saying that "reality only exists in the mind". He's
just following the ancient scientific practice of trying to explain
one phenomenon by a reductionistic appeal to phenomena at
a lower level.  In this case, *time* is the target, and he attempts
to show that we ought to regard it simply as an (almost)
unordered configuration of states of matter (and energy)."

The late Carl Sagan claimed we lived in a four dimentional universe 
including time. Time is just a movement of the mind. If there's no 
movement, no time, no thoughts and no consciousness either, we are 
brain dead so to speak. This state cannot be reversed as stated in some 
laws of thermodynamics. If we could make the dead come back to life, 
that would be a miracle indeed. I'm not talking about some temporary 
comatose state for the degree of consciousness vary moment to moment 
depending on the extent and location of brain injuries. What we call a 
reductionist view is still a function of the mind, the behavior of a 
living organ system/brain.


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