[ExI] Feel Safer Now?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Mar 16 22:29:52 UTC 2008

> Gary Miller
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Feel Safer Now?
> ...
> But our government has reminded us numerous times that is 
> just a small percentage of fanatical Muslims who believe in 
> Jihad against other religions and that we must not direct our 
> rage against all believer in Islam or people from countries 
> where fundamentalists are the most vocal.  Gary

Gary I am disappointed in the vast majority of peaceful believers who do
little or nothing to help catch the violent small percentage within their
ranks.  Seldom do members of the vast majority infiltrate the small
fananical groups and help bring them down, even though they would be ideally
situated to discover the dangerous ones.  I am disappointed in how few
thunderous Friday sermons are delivered on how everyone must live in peace
with those of other faiths, and the duty to crush those who believe and
teach to the contrary.



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