[ExI] Armchair Evolutionary psychology

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Tue Mar 18 22:25:43 UTC 2008

""> If people had complete knowledge of themselves at the genetic
> level, I am certain that practically everyone would belong and 
> with one genetic minority group or another, irrespective of the
> biological fallacy known as "race".

This is an important point. Many people today ignorantly assume
that there is some racial difference between two of the remaining
Democratic Party candidates running for president here in the U.S.
Time and time I hear one of them being regarded as "black", as
though he were of a different "race", or were partly of a different
"race". You would not believe how widespread this fallacy is here.

It gets worse. Much worse. The New England Journal of Medicine
actually reported an investigation of differences in the effectiveness
of two types of hypertension medication in the so-called "black"
people and the so-called "white" people here in the U.S. You won't
believe this, but they even went on---surely in the full knowledge
that race is a biological fallacy (they're surely not that un-read)
---to allude to a so-called "fact" that the so-called "black" people
are more likely than the so-called "white" people to have nitric-
oxide insufficiency. (Can you believe it??)

Which of course is flat-out impossible, since race doesn't exist.


I'd like to know how nitric-oxide insufficiency contribute to more 
hypertension among the black than among the white race.
Skin color of course is genetically determined but since we all came 
 from Africa, those who went to Asia and Europe developed lighter skin 
over time depending on the amount of time spent exposed to the sun's 

I don't know about any hypertensive medicine's effectiveness being 
affected by nitric-oxide insufficiency. Its interesting to know what 
the pharmaceutical name or chemical name of the drug for anyone who 
work with the medical industry.

Evolutionary psychology is an applied science so its related to 
chemistry. The pharmaceutical company make generic medicine for less 
cost. Is it possible that the cheaper drug is offered to those who 
can't afford the expensive drug? As far as I know the effect of 
medicine is the same irrespective of cost.

On another note, prescribing the drug should not be based on race but 
on age, weight and some other medical complications.


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