[ExI] Arthur Clarke dies

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Thu Mar 20 13:53:02 UTC 2008

"On Tuesday 18 March 2008, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
> Friends don't let friends die.

Note how sick people are: they say no to the attempted suicide of a
friend, but are okay with death in general. What's up with this?
- Bryan

Imho, both of the above statements are mistakes in thinking. Thoughts 
of friends may fade and die and some are reborn as the nature of 
thoughts are just temporary.

Sickness are manifestations of genetic behavior when it cause 
suffering/psychological distress. Suicide of a friend cause us pain and 
suffering but in time the pain diminishes. The thought of death in 
general cause fear because we thought of the selves as permanent beings 
not processes of thoughts.


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