[ExI] Legalizing Prostitution

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Thu Mar 20 21:11:38 UTC 2008

John wrote:

"Terry, I think you have a very warped view of marriage.  Many 
marriages are
based on love, chemistry and natural affection, with money only being 
part of it.  And so generally married women should *not* be compared to
prostitutes.  Regarding legalized prostitution, the U.S. does have it 
it is very unusual here)."

I don't know of any state that legalized prostitution here in the U.S. 
I did not say that married women in general are prostituting themselves 
when they marry for money or prestige. I don't know the statistics but 
men do marry for the same reason.

You said many marriages are based on love? Love of self or love of 
fantasy? How many live in common-law marriage for the sake of common 
interests or for protection of their children?

Humans are not monogamous by nature. Some society consider serial 
marriage the norm.
I consider that a modified legalized prostitution.



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