[ExI] Cryonics a theory or belief?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Mar 23 16:15:48 UTC 2008


On Behalf Of John Grigg
	Subject: Re: [ExI] Cryonics a theory or belief?
	Spike wrote:
	Johnny, here is your chance to introduce the more techno-savvy
vision of
	modern cryonicists...
	>Spike, I have never liked the "scan the frozen & possibly
unrepairable body and then build a copy of" cryonics scenario.  I don't see
that as *me,* but instead a perfect in every way twin.  The space/time
continuity of *me* has been broken.  In my Alcor paperwork I don't allow for
that.  No way!!  : )

Interesting.  I would allow Alcor *only* the read-and-sim scenario.  I
wouldn't let them risk my me by trying to repair the brain that once housed
my me.

	>...I see your scenario as totally different from how the Christian
religion views things.  A Christian theologian believes we have an immortal
soul that is simply sheathed in an outer form of corruptible and mortal
flesh and blood...

Yes.  On the other hand, the quasi-Christian Seventh Day Adventist theology
(the one I know well) does not have that concept.  In the SDA view, humans
are machines.  No magic extra anything, strictly machines, granted very
complex machines not currently understood.  As such they can be copied.
Exact copies can theoretically be made in arbitrary quantities, not even
necessarily requiring a supernatural being, but rather by a sufficiently
advanced group of humans.

	Spike wrote:
	This being said, those of us who buy into these scenarios should be
	understanding of those who just say no...
	>...Yes, we probably will be able to make simulations of frozen
people long before the actual individuals can be properly reanimated.  I
just hope destructive scanning methods are not used to make this happen...

Ja of course it will be ideal if we had non-destructive read capability.
What I am really getting at here is that I actually *prefer* a simulated
Second-Life-ish existence scenario to being resurrected in the meat world.  

  >...I'm looking forward to having "simulated Spike" and "the real Spike"
running around at future Transhumanist conferences! lol  John Grigg  : )  

Bad idea.  They would fight each other.  {8^D  Johnny you are too kind, pal.
May the distant future world, simulated or matter-based, be filled with
people like you.


(But not *exactly* like you John.  What if the duplicating machine got stuck
and kept rattling out copies?  Or some joker intentionally created a billion
of you?  Would you hang out together?  How would we feed you all?  ...Oh no!
Here comes the gigaGrigg!  Hey Soos, please take these fish and this bread
and feed them into the duplicator, set it to run continually...)

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