[ExI] Competition creates either entropy or extropy

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Wed Mar 26 13:14:14 UTC 2008

The desire to compete for food or mate is embedded in the amydala{ the 
seat for emotion} in primates. Extropians who work along  with 
neruobiologists know this.

By now they must have the technology to by pass this structure by 
modification i.e. by using cognitive therapy or in conjunction with 
therapeutic/prescribed drugs which effects are gradual so other 
pharmaceutical co. advertize a faster and longer acting drugs at a 
higher cost to increase their profits, thus causing entropy.

Philosophy and anthropology are memes that can thwart the advances in 
science and technology by humane values in the guise of altruism. They 
want to sell their ideas/books to spread memetic behavior. However when 
those disciplines use scientific and technological devices in their 
chosen profession then that would be extropian practice not entropic 

Individuals who are drawn to emotionalism rather than to rationality 
may have a hard time studying philosophy imho. They can be sidetrack 
towards other interests and the worst scenario they can imagine.

So competition can either be entropic or extropic but not both at the 
same time.


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