[ExI] Predictions for 2008 from 1968

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 16:31:02 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Kevin Freels wrote:
> I was just pondering some of these things the other day. Is it me, or
>  does it seem to others that on some things we are completely missing the
>  boat? 2008 and we still can't do better than concrete and asphalt for
>  roads?  Air-traffic control is a joke. My hair is falling out and
>  there's nothing to be done about it. And where is that caries vaccine? I
>  need it bad. I inherited soft teeth from my mother and my mouth has
>  already cost me $15,000 by 36 years of age.

He missed the hours a day that 2008 people spend on 'so-called' communicating.

It is now essential to keep all your friends constantly informed as to
where you are, where you are going to and what you are doing /
thinking.  And discussing where other friends are and what they are

When did it become essential to be constantly chatting / emailing /
texting / IMing / blogging to some invisible companion(s), no matter
what else you are supposed to be doing? Nobody thinks any more. We
have become a civilization of gossips.


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