[ExI] Predictions for 2008 from 1968

Henrique Moraes Machado cetico.iconoclasta at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 17:06:54 UTC 2008

Kevin Freels> to time. I should be able to design the thing on my computer 
and just
> print my new rooms with a giant ink-jet; power and plumbing integrated
> just like an IC chip.

Or at least build a house with giant lego-like prefabricated modules with 
plug-in wiring and pipes. Houses should vave structured cabling so I decide 
what to plug at any spot, a light source, a tv, a computer, a phone, 
whatever. Or better yet, everything wireless.
Off course, you can't make water wireless :-), but the prefabricated tiles 
should come with standard water conduits so when you assemble them water 
should be present in every tile.

Kevin> Real travel in the future will likely be an unnecessary luxury.

I hope it will become optional rather than unecessary.
Funny thing is we have been through a big revolution in telecommunications 
and nothing even close happened with transportation. We have even less means 
of transportation today than we used to have before (where is my dirigible?) 
and the promises are just promises.

Kevin> I couldn't quite figure out the purpose of the domes. I have often 
> these in sci-fi and future predictions but to what end I have no idea.
> If the reason was because the air outside the domes was too terrible to
> bear, I would think that this failed prediction is a good thing. Let's
> hope we can always refrain from putting domes over our cities.

Considering that the air is much worse inside a city than outside, domes 
could be a good way to create some sort of climate control.
And also, where's our undersea colonies? Domed, if you please.

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