[ExI] Uploading and selfhood

Jef Allbright jef at jefallbright.net
Fri Mar 28 17:09:04 UTC 2008

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Jef Allbright <jef at jefallbright.net> wrote:

Correction: s/within/by/

>  Personal identity is always only a function of perceived agency
>  **within an observer**, regardless of the physical, functional or
>  ontological status of the entity on whose behalf it acts, and even
>  when the observer is the agent itself.

Personal identity is always only a function of perceived agency
**by an observer**, regardless of the physical, functional or
ontological status of the entity on whose behalf it acts, and even
when the observer is the agent itself.

- Jef

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