[ExI] Arthur C. Clarke dies

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 30 02:31:54 UTC 2008

--- John K Clark <jonkc at att.net> wrote:
> It's sort of interesting and I'm sure that Arthur would be amused at
> the
> coincidence that on the very day he died for the first time in human
> history a Gamma Ray burst occurred that was so bright that a human
> being could detect it with his naked eye, something that occurred
> halfway across the universe 8 billion years ago. It is by far the
> most distant object a human being could see with his naked eye.
> Nobody, absolutely nobody, could have stage managed
> Arthur C. Clarke's death more skillfully. I am impressed.

That's wondrous. Reminds me of story of Mark Twain being born with
Haley's comet in the sky and dying upon its susequent return. Some
people just have great timing.

Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu

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Albert Camus

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