[ExI] What Makes People Vote Republican

samantha sjatkins at mac.com
Fri Sep 19 06:01:43 UTC 2008

Olga Bourlin wrote:
> "If your husband [nickname "First Dude"], sports at least one DWI?
> conviction and didn't register to vote until he was 25 but did belong 
> to a
> group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is
> extremely admirable."

"First Dude" sounds like a great neighbor and someone I would love to 
party and shoot the breeze  with.  Maybe if we called the president 
"First Dude" people wouldn't be so stupid as to think he (or she 
someday) should run every aspect of their lives.   I think considering 
secession qualifies one as a more serious political thinker than 
most.    I wish I could put a smiley on that.

- samantha

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