[ExI] What Makes People Vote Republican

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Sep 22 05:54:11 UTC 2008


> ...On Behalf Of Emlyn
> > Like many of you here, I can read much faster than anyone can talk.
> > spike
> Have you read either of his books?... Emlyn

I read several random passages of Dreams From My Father, a few from
Audacity.  I found the former more open and interesting because Sen. Obama
wrote that one before he was actually running for anything.  Dreams has a
lot of stuff about former pastor Rev. Wright in there.  Audacity seemed to
be more of a campaign.

> ...I read "The Audacity of Hope"
> recently, it would give you a good feel for where he stands...Too many 
> christian references in US politics, weirds me... Emlyn

Ja me too, but this can't necessarily be held uniquely against Sen. Obama,
being as all four of the candidates on the two major tickets are
self-professed christians.  This number might be three point something, for
recently Sen. Obama repudiated pastor Rev. Wright.  But in so doing it isn't
entirely clear if he was repudiating only Rev. Wright's dozen or so YouTubed
inflammatory comments, only Rev. Wright the man, or only Wright and his
congregation (who were guilty of not telling Obama the many repugnant things
the Reverend had uttered during the Sundays the Obama family was absent) or
repudiating Reverent Wright, his congregation, the denomination,
christianity and all other religion, or perhaps some random combination of
the above.  Does anyone here know?  Why don't we know?  Is there a specific
quote?  To me the repudiation seemed a bit vague and open ended.  Why is

Note the other character is just as bad, this Gov. Palin, on the whole
religion thing.  Her position on religion is much more clearly defined, but
quite distasteful just the same.



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