[ExI] ITAR and space based solar power.

hkhenson hkhenson at rogers.com
Thu Sep 25 04:44:38 UTC 2008

I have a problem where I could really use some advice.  Or at least 
put my qualms on the record.

I have been talking about ITAR with some of my friends after one of 
them brought it up citing this horror story.



Another friend relates that you can get into trouble for accepting a 
piece of Russian space hardware into the US for an exhibit.  When the 
guy returned it after the exhibit the State Dept told him that act 
was an "export".

Then another guy was told he'd be charged under ITAR if he told the 
Russians working on his satellite launch that they could go to a 
particular US textbook to find out how to do a reliability analysis.

One of my friends thinks my concept work on reducing the cost of 
materials transport by sub orbital rocket and multi GW propulsion 
laser would not cause me any trouble even if I went on a lecture tour 
about it in China.  Others think I would be arrested and jailed for 
decades like the retired professor if I talked about it in China.  A 
propulsion laser able to lift 100 tonnes/hr to GEO is unavoidably a 
weapon and counter weapon.  I make an economic case for building it 
for non-military reasons, but it's definitely "dual use."

The energy problem is world wide so solving it anywhere solves it 
everywhere.  I am on record as saying I think the Chinese are more 
likely to build power sats than the US.  (Then the US could import 
electric power, synthetic crude oil *and* lead painted toys from China.)

The reason this has become urgent is that I have been invited to this 
military conference on space based solar power next week.


I would love to go.  I have a lot of the physics and engineering at 
my fingertips.


The conference is open to US citizens only.  What agreements are 
required, I don't know.

It seems a shame to quit working on this energy crisis solution out 
of fear.  But you sure can't do work in jail.

Keith Henson  

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