[ExI] The Nuclear Huns
Lee Corbin
lcorbin at rawbw.com
Fri Sep 26 20:55:12 UTC 2008
Stuart The Avantguardian est très en avant yet again:
> Just in case people have been too distracted with the economic
> turmoil in the U.S. to pay attention to the international happenings
> that are buried on the back pages of the news, I would like to
> bring the following to light:
> http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/09/24/nkorea.nuclear.plant/index.html#cnnSTCText
> The key passage therein is "Last week, a South Korean news
> agency reported that North Korea was restoring a reactor at
> Yongbyon nuclear complex and no longer wanted to be
> removed from a U.S. list of countries that sponsor terrorism."
> "As soon as [Justinian] took over the rule from his uncle, his measure was to spend the public money without restraint, now that
> he had control of it. He gave much of it to the Huns who, from time to time, entered the state; and in consequence the Roman
> provinces were subject to constant incursions, for these barbarians, having once tasted Roman wealth, never forgot the road that
> led to it." -Procopius, 'The Secret History'
> So with the U.S. military quagmire in Iraq and Afghanistan
> while skirmishing with Pakistan, Russia invading Georgia,
> Iran proclaiming the end of American Empire, Venezuela
> kicking out all American ambassadors, and the U.S. tax
> payers being put on the hook for about $12 trillion in
> Republican deficit spending, do we really want to put a
> moose-hunting beauty queen who neither blinks nor
> thinks in charge of our destinies?
It all depends on her 'tude. Is she an "iron lady" or not?
Giving the devil her due, Mrs. Clinton was *scary*, and
if she wanted to, she could have made threats pretty
> I don't see how the next president could be anything other
> than either a disappointment or a disaster.
Obama just wants to talk, but McCain may be made of sterner
stuff. Like Reagan or Eisenhower (who threatened atomic attack
if the NKs didn't call off the war), he might just tell North Korea
"NO" and mean it.
> I will leave you to decide which is which but I know I certainly
> wouldn't want the job.
On this issue? I'll take the job. Stop producing nuclear bombs
and stop the large scale counterfeiting of American currency,
or it's war. Period.
> Anyone want to bet that we discover Russian nuclear missiles
> in Venezuela before the completion of the first term of the next
> U.S. president?
Now that one is nasty. I'll pass on that. Was Kennedy right or
wrong when that happened in 1962? (He traded bases in Europe
for the removal of Cuban missiles.) Of course, if the U.S. had
simply invaded Cuba in 1959, this would never have obtained.
We still outgunned the Russians by a lot back then.
People simply will take advantage of you if you are too nice
(which I learned yet again this morning which cost me $250.)
Whenever things are serious, money, international prestige,
or irresponsible countries coming into possessions of nuclear
weapons, you have to take a tough line and you have to mean it.
The problem most people on this list have is that they take
their daily "nice" behavior (which as I said betrayed me
this morning) and project it into a sphere where they should
know better.
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