[ExI] Who's stealing our universe?
scerir at libero.it
Sat Sep 27 09:53:09 UTC 2008
From: "BillK"
> Their analysis shows far away galaxies streaming in the direction of
> something outside of our visible universe. They speculate that this a
> left-over effect from the brief inflationary period when something
> outside our visible universe and possibly outside our inflation bubble
> exerted a strong gravitational force on our inflationary bubble, which
> caused a 'tilt' in our observable universe.
It is possible thst in the earliest moments of universe 'things'
were maximally entangled. It is also possible that such a non-local
causality has been lost in time, gradually, i.e. during the inflationary
Antony Valentini is studying all that in the framework of Bohmian
mechanics. A feature of the pilot-wave theory of de Broglie and
Bohm is that signal-locality is true only under specific conditions
of equilibrium. In other words any deterministic (and hidden variable)
theory (such as Bohmian mechanics) that reproduces quantum theory must
predict the existence of instantaneous signals (at the statistical level)
in case of non-equilibrium conditions.
Valentini supports the hypothesis that the universe, in the remote past,
relaxed to a state of statistical equilibrium in which non-locality
happens to be masked by quantum noise. It is not clear (to me) whether
this quantum noise has been 'injected' during the inflationary era or
at the big-bang time.
Inflationary Cosmology as a Probe of Primordial Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: We show that inflationary cosmology may be used to test
the statistical predictions of quantum theory at very short distances
and at very early times. Hidden-variables theories, such as the pilot-wave
theory of de Broglie and Bohm, allow the existence of vacuum states with
non-standard field fluctuations ('quantum nonequilibrium'). We show
that inflationary expansion can transfer microscopic nonequilibrium
to macroscopic scales, resulting in anomalous power spectra for the
cosmic microwave background. The conclusions depend only weakly on the
details of the de Broglie-Bohm dynamics. We discuss, in particular, the
nonequilibrium breaking of scale invariance for the primordial (scalar)
power spectrum. We also show how nonequilibrium can generate primordial
perturbations with non-random phases and inter-mode correlations (primordial
non-Gaussianity). We address the possibility of a low-power anomaly at
large angular scales, and show how it might arise from a nonequilibrium
suppression of quantum noise. Recent observations are used to set an
approximate bound on violations of quantum theory in the early universe.
De Broglie-Bohm Prediction of Quantum Violations for Cosmological
Super-Hubble Modes
Abstract: The hypothesis of quantum nonequilibrium at the big bang
is shown to have observable consequences. For a scalar field on
expanding space, we show that relaxation to quantum equilibrium
(in de Broglie-Bohm theory) is suppressed for field modes whose
quantum time evolution satisfies a certain inequality, resulting
in a 'freezing' of early quantum nonequilibrium for these particular
modes. For an early radiation-dominated expansion, the inequality
implies a corresponding physical wavelength that is larger than the
(instantaneous) Hubble radius. These results make it possible, for
the first time, to make quantitative predictions for nonequilibrium
deviations from quantum theory, in the context of specific cosmological
models. We discuss some possible consequences: corrections to
inflationary predictions for the cosmic microwave background,
non-inflationary super-Hubble field correlations, and relic
nonequilibrium particles.
Hidden Variables and the Large-Scale Structure of Spacetime
Abstract: We discuss how to embed quantum nonlocality in an
approximately classical spacetime background, a question which
must be answered irrespective of any underlying microscopic
theory of spacetime. We argue that, in deterministic hidden-variables
theories, the choice of spacetime kinematics should be dictated
by the properties of generic non-equilibrium states, which allow
nonlocal signalling. Such signalling provides an operational
definition of absolute simultaneity, which may naturally be
associated with a preferred foliation of classical spacetime.
The argument applies to any deterministic hidden-variables theory,
and to both flat and curved spacetime backgrounds. We include
some critical discussion of Einstein's 1905 'operational' approach
to relativity, and compare it with that of Poincare.
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