[ExI] The "Unreasonable" Effectiveness of Mathematics in theNatural Sciences

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Mon Sep 29 03:27:10 UTC 2008

At 08:00 PM 9/28/2008 -0700, Lee wrote:

>The same holds true for whether it is the Earth that goes around
>the sun, or vice-versa. To me, it is *not* a matter of whose views
>become rarer. If the Church had prevailed in the 1600s and 
>successfully suppressed all over the world the view that the Earth 
>goes around the sun, then the Church would still be wrong.

Are you quite sure that's unequivocally true? What does a Special 
Relativist say about that? (And for extra marks--I don't have the 
answer to this on the tip of my tongue, due to my problems with 
visualization--once you grasp that the Earth is rotating once a day, 
how obvious is it which body is orbiting the other? In the deep 
future when Earth is tidally locked, how self-evident will any of this appear?)

Damien Broderick

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