[ExI] Mind Uploading article in Wikipedia

Dagon Gmail dagonweb at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 19:38:30 UTC 2009

2009/4/4 John K Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>

> I want to thank Giulio Prisco, I did not know Wikipedia had an article on
> mind uploading. The article is actually quite good, and it says two things
> that I've been saying for well over a decade. First it says:
> [Mind Uploading] "denies the vitalist view of human life and
> consciousness."
> But of course nearly everyone, even most people on this list believe in the
> vitalist view.
> It then says:
> "The prospect of uploading human consciousness in this manner raises many
> philosophical questions involving identity, individuality and the soul."
> But of course nearly everyone, even most people on this list believe in the
> soul.

Whereas on rationalist moments (and I say rationalist, not rational)  i know
there is no sensible,
sustainable alternative to a world without vitalist or spiritual energies,
and matter being a
mechanical process. But it is so hard to sustain this insight in moments of
emotion and unease.
When faced with the dark of night, the hour of the wolf, when sleeplessness
overwhelms me,
when I note down important ideas in my book at 3 AM, the other reality is
very compelling and
I cannot ignore the slide show on the inside of my mind. That's why I agree
- most people and
many transhumanists will be vulnerable to this compulsive urge - the urge to
protect simple,
linear puppeteers when things move or happen of their own accord. We are not
yet accustomed
to inner workings, mechanical causes and programs.

It's been only a few decades, give it time to trickle down.
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