Brent Allsop brent.allsop at comcast.net
Sun Apr 19 20:07:25 UTC 2009


I apologize, I don't think I have enough context to know what you are 
talking about, I don't yet even really know what this book is about.  
But I desperately do want to know what you are talking about, and I'd 
sure like to know what all other similarly morally intelligent minds are 
saying about this kind of stuff, even though I don't have enough time to 
follow things even as much as Damian does.  We sure don't have enough 
time to try to dig through the logs to see what we missed.

I'd imagine you don't have enough time, now, to help me out?  Maybe give 
me a sumary of the conversations that have transpired, tell me what the 
book is about, and how you and all other intelligent transhumanists 
think we should morally interpret such information, all in a context 
where all other people with a different POV can concisely and 
quantitatively weigh in on the issue?

Sorry, as usual, I'm probably butting in where it isn't a good place to 
do so.  I just wish I had more time so I wasn't missing so many great 
conversations by so many morally intelligent people that I've really 
learned to trust.  I really wish I did have the time to dig through the 
logs and know concisely and quantitatively what you all think on all 
these kinds of moral issues.


Stefano Vaj wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Brent Allsop 
> <brent.allsop at comcast.net <mailto:brent.allsop at comcast.net>> wrote:
> > So in other words, for all of us who missed these discussions, I 
> guess we
> > are expected to spend hours and hours to go mining in the log files 
> for June
> > and January in an attempt to digest, summarize, and quantify 
> everything said
> > so we can know what everyone believes about this book concisely and
> > quantitatively?  
> Come on, it was just a bland joke, especially owing to the fact that 
> Damien seems to follow this list quite closely!!
> As to its content, I think the author may have a point there, even 
> though the truth is of course much more nuanced than how he presents 
> it. SF has been and is inspirational to many transhumanists, yet the 
> explicit intentions of its authors, especially as far as movies are 
> concerned, are often exactly at the opposite end of the spectrum 
> regarding one's attitude towards technology and possible posthuman 
> changes. Who cares about the authors' intentions, OTOH? :-)
> And yet other people have noted important exceptions, both in the 
> Golden Age SF (say, Anderson, Heinlein, Lafferty, Harness) and in 
> modern days. A case in point being a recent antology, /Transhuman/.
> -- 
> Stefano Vaj
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