[ExI] HUMOR: How do you satisfy an economist chick (guy)?

Max More max at maxmore.com
Sat Dec 5 05:15:31 UTC 2009

It's Friday night (CST). It's time for some puerile humor. If you're 
looking for serious thought... move along. There's nothing to see here.

On Facebook, Roko Mijic asked: How do you hook up with an economist chick?

His answer: ... ask her to internalize your externality.

I didn't see any good responses in the first 20, so I suggested:

Tell her that you want to smooth her demand curve.

You want to satisfice her desires. But she has only limited resources 
to satisfy your unlimited wants.

You can never reach equilibrium without injecting demand into her system.

You can't "push on a string", but you can prime my pump!

That's the Invisible Hand you feel.

If I press my comparative advantage, how will that affect your yield curve?

Any additions? (Feel free to change the "chick" to a male or 
multisexual or alien species or whatever).

Come on extropians -- this is a vital issue for a Friday night!



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