[ExI] Atheism
Stefano Vaj
stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 14:20:07 UTC 2009
2009/12/13 Post Futurist <p0stfuturist at yahoo.com>
>> I'll grant that many great works of art have been inspired
>> by religion, but I think most of those talents would
>> have been
>> expressed equally well on non-religious subjects. But the great minds that were
>> wasted pursuing idiotic theological problems could have solved real,
>> major problems. I think that's tragic."
> "Equally well" cuts both ways. Religion is as beneficial as the secular all round.
The real point IMHO is: if "religion" must be, why do we need a
metaphysical, faith-based, anti-scientific one?
Besides the experience of purely secular "religious" creeds such as
Marxism - which have their own problems but abundantly showed that
new, successful religions can command widespread support without the
need to invoke Pink Invisible Unicorns - Confucianism, hinduism,
paganism, Zen, Shinto work equally well, and have few if any of the
theoretical and practical defects that make monotheism unacceptable to
those who adhere to an opposite, say promethean, value system...
Stefano Vaj
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