[ExI] Effing and Privacy
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at canonizer.com
Sun Dec 20 20:43:43 UTC 2009
Hi Stuart,
Absolutely. We've already experienced something very similar to all
this when computers first started communicating on the internet. We
very quickly, after most all of our computers got terribly infected, had
to come up with security measures to have control over things. Surely
similar problems and solutions will develop once we start developing
abilities to merge phenomenal spaces, getting ever better at reading
others brains, and so on. The experience with computers the first time,
and cautions being provided by people like you, will surely help us do a
much better job the second, much more important time around.
I'll hug most everyone, but surely most would be more selective as to
who they would share and eff what they're feeling during such hugs, and
so on.
But what does everyone imagine the ultimate end situation or ultimate
goal as being? Would it be everyone merged into the same phenomenal
awareness space with everyone experiencing, effing, and knowing
everything? Or how much would we half to isolated, hide, or how much of
our sharing would have to be cut out and destroyed, before things were
I'm in the pefection would be when we don't destroy any communications
or don't hide much of anything from anyone camp.
Brent Allsop
The Avantguardian wrote:
>> Cyberspace, virtual reality, and everything is, and will forever be, nothing of
>> much interest, without that. I don't want to be uploaded into some phenomenally
>> blind 'cyberspace', I look forward to when my phenomenal 'spirit' (unlike the
>> most of the rest of my phenomenal knowledge, does not have a referent in
>> reality) is able to peirce this phenomenal veil of perception, and is finally
>> able to escape from this mortal prison wall that is my skull.
> The same skull also keeps others out. But they are figuring out ways around that.
> http://arstechnica.com/old/content/2008/12/mindreading-101-identifying-images-by-watching-the-brain.ars
> http://www.navysbirprogram.com/NavySearch/Summary/summary.aspx?pk=F5B07D68-1B19-4235-B140-950CE2E19D08
>> I look forward to breaking out into an immortal shared phenomenal world where we
>> will finally know not only much more about nature than causal properties, not
>> only will we finally have disproved solipsism, solved the problem of other
>> minds, and so on and so fourth, but we will finally also be able to share what
>> everyone else is phenomenally like and experiencing.
>> Fuck cyberspace, and all the primitive idiots still completely blind to anything
>> more, I want effing phenomenal worlds.
> You could just as easily get the thought police, psi-rape, memory theft, and mind control before you get anywhere near an "immortal shared phenomological world"
> Stuart LaForge
> "Science has not yet mastered prophecy. We predict too much for the next year and yet far too little for the next ten." - Neil Armstrong
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