[ExI] Belief in Market Efficiency

painlord2k at libero.it painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Feb 2 17:50:54 UTC 2009

Il 02/02/2009 15.43, Stefano Vaj ha scritto:
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 11:14 PM, painlord2k at libero.it

> Yes, this used to be the case even in aristocratic times, and it still
> would, were it not for the paradoxical nature of monetary wealth, not to
> mention of "money as debt". :-)

I don't like the idea of "money as debt", I prefer the idea of "money as 
a commodity", in particular "money as gold".

> In fact, however, Social Darwinism itself started as a *leftist*
> movement in the sense that it felt that there were classes effectively
> protected and shielded, by the legal and economic system in place, from
> social competition. The fact that contemporary left is instead mainly
> positively preoccupied with the protection of lower classes should not
> obscure the fact that such phenomenon is still very present at the top
> of the social ladder.

And, in fact, leftist statism and rightist statism all argue about 
"helping the poor", "the workers" and others groups. They only change 
how these groups are identified.

What don't change is that in the (not so) long run any and all rules 
that will be enacted will be hijacked by the ruling class to their own 

Like, for example, funding the public education with the taxes of the 
poor so the rich will be able to use the public schools without pay, but 
keeping other barriers up so the poor will not be able to use the same 
schools where the riches send their offspring.

And combating any reform (using the unions of the teachers) so the 
status quo is not modified.

> The fact that to do for an indefinite period of time might well be
> impossible does not tell us anything against the idea that society as a
> whole would be more efficient - and individual "justice" would be
> enhanced - by *accelerating* their demise.

The market is the way to accelerate their demise if they are unable to 
serve the need of the public.
The other ways simply substitute a ruling class with another, if it is 
not the same with different feathers.

The market work always, any day, any hours.
Like water it dig the hardest rock like the softest one.


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