[ExI] H+ & religion call for papers

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Feb 24 04:00:25 UTC 2009

On Behalf Of John Grigg

	Calvin Mercer wrote:
	We are a scholarly society and use critical method (e.g. historical,
literary) to ply our trade, so the society promotes rational analysis of
religious phenomenon...  
	I must say, what an agreeable fellow!  Why, I bet even the
curmudgeonly proto-transhumanist Damien Broderick could enjoy the company of
such a man and his peers.
	John  : )

Agreed, he does make it sound like something that would be bearable.  The
use of critical methods assumes no particular belief system.  To correctly
utilize historical criticism, one must almost be a non-believer.  So it
seemed to me at the time I learned about it, so very many years ago.


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