[ExI] [wta-talk] What % of H+ = Electromechanical Devices

jameschoate at austin.rr.com jameschoate at austin.rr.com
Thu Jul 30 16:25:04 UTC 2009

Hmm, I first (tried to) read Weiner's book in about 1969 when I was 9 or 10. Cyborg is a contraction of 'cybernetic organism' and strictly speaking a cyborg is any organism which has had parts of its organic structure replaced with an engineered mechanism/device. Never seen the 'electromechanical device' requirement before this.

As to transhuman, it simply means a human who is using their knownledge and technology to transcend (hence the 'trans') the strictly biological/darwininian evolutionary path. It means a human who has stepped outside of their biology.

---- Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote: 
> Thank you for your response Ben.
> I asked what percentage of human enhancement options are based within the
> domain of electromechanical devices.  I expressly used the phrase
> "electromechanical devices" because that is how a cyborg is defined:  "a
> human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by
> electromechanical devices; a cyborg is a cybernetic organism" (WorldNet,
> Princeton.edu)  
> In differentiating a cyborg from a transhuman, this phrase
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Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus

James Choate
jameschoate at austin.rr.com
james.choate at twcable.com

Adapt, Adopt, Improvise
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