[ExI] Mary Magdelene?/was Re: Iran's plan for their gay population
painlord2k at libero.it
painlord2k at libero.it
Sat Jun 6 12:43:09 UTC 2009
Il 06/06/2009 5.16, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
> 2009/6/6 painlord2k at libero.it<painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> Christians are bound to try imitate Christ, Muslims are bound to
>> try imitate Mohammed. Things are so simple.
> It's not so simple! For centuries Christians went about happily
> making war, torturing and killing. Ideas about forgiveness, loving
> your enemy, turning the other cheek etc. did not have much sway.
Could correct this error?
Turning the other cheek is about not react against insult that don't
harm you physically, not to let someone to beat you in a pulp.
I agree that Christians not always follow their religion.
I agree that Muslims not always follow their religion.
Usually, when Christians follow their religion they are better humans
(more peacefully, more forgiving, more helpful) and when Muslims don't
follows their religion they are better humans (more peacefully, more
forgiving, more helpful).
Do you know about ex-Christians organization and Christians threatening
ex-Christians for their change of religion?
I know this for Muslims (in UK):
We all know that critics of Christianity are routinely harassed,
attacked, killed and silenced. Surely that the writer of the "da Vinci
Code" is in hiding, because his life is threatened by Christians
fundamentalists, his editors are killed, his Japan translator was knifed
down and his italian translator too (but he was saved just in time).
> Christian America has killed far more Muslims in the past decade than
> the Muslims have killed Americans,
This is unrelated.
This is only a measure of skills and powers.
This is a weak point of so many leftist, they look at a behaviour and
attribute to the person action that he like what is doing. So he must be
a evil, a lunatic or misinformed.
Why stopping at the past decade?
Because don't went before? The 200 dead at Dar-el Salam (by al-Qaeda)
are under Clinton presidency. The first attack to the WTC in New York
was in the same period. Then the Cole attack. The Kobar Tower attack
before. Do you forget them? Easy to forget them.
For example, I could say that Palestinians have killed more Italians
than Italians have killed Palestinians (I have doubts Italians have
killed any Palestinians). What did Italy do to be at the receiving end
of terror attacks against synagogues, airport terminals (from the
Palestinians) and probably the Bologna bomb at the station in the 1980's?
America (not Christian America) killed these Muslims because they were
Muslims or for some other reason?
The American killed by Muslims were killed because they were Americans
(or Christians) or for some other reason?
> and this isn't even a cause for remorse, the usual justification
> being that they either deserved it or got in the way.
If hundred savages try to separate me from my head and I gun them down
this don't make me more evil than them, only better at defending myself.
If some helpless bystander is caught in the crossfire, I'm sorry for
him, but I will not give my skin for his. The blame go to the party that
initiated the aggression and gave a damn to the danger posed to the
bystanders or to other innocent parties.
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