[ExI] LONGEVITY DIVIDEND SK. Canada, resolution 2

Morris Johnson mfj.eav at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 05:33:29 UTC 2009

Whereas the Saskatchewan public health budget is an expanding slice of
a declining government revenue stream and will soon become
unsustainable if it is not transformed from an activity based to a
results based economic model.

Whereas Saskatchewan’s 2007 to 2009 agriculture and energy economic
boom enables  public investment in  enhanced physical, human resource
and  communications health technology infrastructure.

Whereas 2009-10 downgrades of pension plan funds  reduced their
capacity to fund their obligations. Consequently, many people will
have to remain healthy enough to work past their planned age for

Whereas robust regenerative medicine technology is ready to be
clinically applied to entire populations in order to increase the
average productive lifespan as well as the maximum lifespan.

Whereas it is believed that enhancement of human health and longevity
will be the new industry that will give the global economy a renewed
sense of purpose and drive a global economic recovery.

Whereas a World-Class health management infrastructure will attract
both health industry workers and businesses in general to move to

Whereas 2009 is the mid point of the current 10 year Health Research
Strategy , during which the  Saskatchewan  Health Research Foundation
must evaluate all facets of the healthcare framework and make
appropriate amendments in order to deliver the maximum amount of
health possible within a sustainable economic framework.

Be it resolved that the Saskatchewan NDP urge the provincial
government to give University of Saskatchewan Research Group on Aging
sufficient resources to carry out an expanded mandate.

Be it further resolved that     http://www.usask.ca/aging/group.htm
be mandated to develop and manage the implementation of a robust
anti-aging strategy for Saskatchewan.  The minimum target should be to
increase the maximum productive healthy lifespan for long-term
Saskatchewan residents by an average of 10 years over the next 15

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