[ExI] hitchins fans: hitchins on UN free speech proposal

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 11:47:58 UTC 2009

2009/3/15 painlord2k at libero.it <painlord2k at libero.it>:
> Il 10/03/2009 13.51, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
>> 2009/3/10 spike<spike66 at att.net>:
>>> Under the proposed UN rule, it would be illegal to even report stuff like
>>> this:
>>> http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/03/09/saudi.arabia.lashes/index.html
>> Why would it be illegal to report it? It seems the Saudis are proud of
>> it and would like to run the whole world this way if they could. It's
>> only reports they believe to be untrue or, if true, that they are
>> ashamed of that they want banned.
> Near miss.
> It is all about the Islamic Law and their concept of "honour", "shame" and
> "defamation".
> Remember that Islam condone and approve when muslim lie to other muslims or
> kafir for many matters (husband to wife, to reconcile people, when one feel
> threatened). Then there is the rule about killing "who that cause tumult /
> sedition". Truth can be a cause of tumult and sedition.
> It would be illegal to report it if they feel displeased someone else know
> about it, albeith they feel doing the right thing; it would be illegal if it
> cause criticism about them or Islam.
> In short, it would be illegal to write and say anything that displease them,
> whatever it is. And you would it after.

But it's not something they see as shameful at all; on the contrary,
they see it as a good idea which should be widely promoted. It would
be like the US lying about the fact that they imprison those who sell
recreational drugs because some people see the drug laws as unjust.

Stathis Papaioannou

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